Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Okay...I love my kids to pieces, but if I could change one thing, it would be their mindset that you must rise with the sun. This theory is beneficial during the school year, but when summer comes, it drives me crazy!!! So, I decided I was going to try something new with Austin. I bought a clock for his room and we had a long discussion about him staying in his room until 8:00. If he wakes up earlier, he can watch TV, draw, write, color, read...anything...just STAY IN YOUR ROOM! The first 2 days went fine. Last night before bed, the following conversation took place:

Austin: Mom, can I PLEASE get up at 7:30 instead of 8:00!!! PLEASE!!!
Mom: Austin, 8:00 isn't early, you'll be fine.
Austin: But mom, my body just wakes up at 7:30, please!
Mom: No, Austin.
Austin: You know mom, you can't destroy a person!!!

WHAT??? Where did he get that from?? Brittany was at the house when it was time for him to go to bed and she went and tucked him in. She came out and told me that he told her, "My mom is trying to change me into something I'm not." Where do kids get this stuff from??


Kiera said...

That's hilarious!! I love that story! I'm glad you're not trying to destroy him!! ;) LOL

Tiffany Ann said...

too funny!

Kim said...

Hahahaha!!! So funny. Truly: kids say the darnedest things! =)